The news everyone waited for came yesterday, quite timely and well received, changing to Alert Level ORANGE gives so much more freedom and positive change. We must still all be responsible for our individual health and wellbeing, you are still required to wear a mask when entering and moving around the RSA, so please respect this for everyone’s comfort and safety. Basically every adjunct can now resume, and our groups and services are back to normal, but please remember to wear a mask and social distance as best defence. Easter the next big weekend, yes, we are ready for the excitement and being about to enjoy our RSA more freely, we have an Easter Egg Hunt on Sunday at 5pm and we have Glenn Carley entertaining us from 4pm onwards so you can come and relax before and while enjoying a meal. HOP into the RSA over Easter, welcome back we enjoy your attendance and hope you have a fantastic weekend, looks like the weather is going to treat us right as well. Next week is Poppy Collection Week, we will have Poppy Collection Boxes out around many outlets, we will have our normal collection day on Friday 22nd April with four outlets, if you wish to help collect, please let Kerry know, she has the roster. On Friday, Saturday, and Sunday we are arranging for some of our Veterans to collect at New World, this will give the public a chance to meet our Veterans face to face and talk to them about their experiences and involvement. I think this will be a positive move and should increase our profile on our efforts to assist all our Veterans. A Veteran is someone who enlisted in one of the Services and has a Service Number, no matter for how long or which areas they were involved, we can support them in some way. Last Sunday we had a very active Working Bee to tidy up around our RSA in time for both Easter and ANZAC DAY, the team worked well, and we have a good result, THANK YOU to all who were involved, your effort is much appreciated. Moving to ORANGE Level means we will be having a full ANZAC DAY, starting with the Beach Service starting at 6.50am in front of the Surf Club, after that Blackie’s has generously to serving breakfast at $15.00 per person (Please have CASH to make it easier for service). The Parade will go ahead, this is always a highlight and enjoyed by many who turn out to view. The Civic Service will be a bit smaller this year as we don’t have Defence Support due to deployment and COVID restrictions, wreath laying will be at the Remembrance Wall. We will then adjourn to the RSA for a light lunch and an afternoon of entertainment by the Pipe Band and Neville. Being positive and moving on with our lives will help a lot of people, on that note, if you know of anyone who could do with support, please let us know, a simple talk, pick up and take home, even an invitation to join you at the RSA is all it could take make someone’s day. I have been meeting and working with the Whangamata Community Services Trust, they have some helpful initiatives that a lot of people don’t know about, they will do personal shopping, they are starting a shopping trip day to Thames in May, and many other helpful opportunities to support our RSA and our community, once they let us know what is fully available, we will have a link on our website, they work on a need basis and will support anyone. Buckle in for a couple of busy long weekends please stay safe, remember personal responsibility, and respect others, this way we will be able to enjoy what our RSA has to offer. We THANK everybody for their support and most of all we enjoy your company, if you have any questions or queries, please don’t hesitate to contact us, we want everybody to feel part of the TEAM.
Cheers, Geoff March President Whangamata RSA
Message from President Geoff March
Vaccine Pass : As of 11.59 on Monday 4th April the government has given the option to remove the use of Vaccine Passes.
The Whangamata RSA Committee has agreed to not continue with the Pass, for a trial period that they will review, for the safety and wellbeing of the majority of our members.
This is in accordance with our constitution and rules. When new members join the Whangamata RSA on the application form they signed an agreement to use
Whangamata RSA facilities and abide by the constitution and rules on our RSA. If or when the decision to reinstate the use of the Vaccine Pass is made, we will notify members.
Any decision your committee makes has the majority of our members in consideration, we hope you understand, we are in uncertain times and decisions are not made lightly.
3 March 2022
Message from President Geoff March
Third month of the year already, I feel this year is going to fly by, so much has happened already and there really doesn’t seem to be any relief in sight for a while. At least we are open and have enjoyed a fair number of members and guests using our facility which is fantastic support.
On Sunday 27th February our RSA hosted the RSA District Meeting, it didn’t have a lot of RSA’s and Members attending, many have been affected by isolations and restrictions. Those who attended got a great source of information and very helpful information about COVID and club support. There are a few RSA’s who are still doing well and leading the way to operating reasonably well which is great to see in the current restrictions. We are holding our own and with the government support package should see us maintain our healthy finances and making sure our facility is supporting our members.
We have made the decision while we are in RED restrict that we will close for both Monday and Tuesdays, a hard decision but one that is financially responsible. Our next positive is we started Housie today Thursday 3rd March at 4pm, also the Ukulele group started at 1.30pm on Thursday, and on Sunday 6th March we are holding QUIZ at 6pm, the reason we can let these activities happen is because they can socially distance and they are not moving around during their activity, these will be run under the strict restriction to ensure members safety. Sadly, other adjuncts can’t operate until we go back to operating under the ORANGE restriction. We will keep you posted if anything changes about this.
Yes, COVID is now in Whangamata, there are quite a few cases isolating at home, fortunately we have remained free of contacts, this is a good time to remind members that we are desperately working to keep our members and guests safe when they enjoy our facility, so if you suspect you may have come in contact please remember to stay away until you have been cleared. I don’t think anybody wants to feel responsible for their actions to close us, if we close, it will also affect our Staff, Members and Guests plus Ying’s Restaurant staff.
Finally, another initiative we have managed to introduce as of yesterday, is members can now load credit onto their membership card, so when they purchase drinks, you show your card and it gives the membership discount and takes off the value of that purchase. So yes, it is worth doing for ease of use, so one card one action, no need to use Eftpos as well.
So please stay safe, remember personal responsibility, and respect others, this way we will be able to enjoy the new normal when everything settles down and can be better managed.
We THANK everybody for their support and most of all we enjoy your company, if you have any questions or queries, please don’t hesitate to contact us, we want everybody to feel part of the TEAM.
Geoff March
President Whangamata RSA
Red Level
We will be open Wednesday to Sunday from 4.30pm
Ying’s @ the RSA is open for lunch (no bar) dinner and takeaways
(Please note no bar on Tuesday nights) Please use side door at lunch
Hi Members,
We hope things are going well for you and your family. We have had a couple of long weekends which proved to be good with great attendances and a lot of happy people.
Now we are thinking about how best to limit risk and help our RSA remain viable.
We have agreed to also close the RSA on Tuesday’s while we are in the RED traffic light setting. Ying’s will still be open for lunch and dinner, unfortunately there will be no bar service available. Tuesday is our quietest night and we need to ensure we keep viable for our future. This also gives our staff some relief from the strains and stress that is involved with present times.
We hope you understand, it must be the same for many other RSAs and Clubs.
Once we go back into the ORANGE traffic light setting, we will review our trading hours and what adjuncts and activities can once again operate.
Thinking ahead, if or when we get a case of COVID contact in our RSA, we would have to abide by the rules in the Traffic Light System Phases, which may result in temporary closure. As with everyone we hope it doesn’t happen but in life there are no certain guarantees. So we would like to plan for the worst and hope for the best. Always keeping our Staff, Members and Guests safe and at the basis of our decisions.
Due to being in Covid Level Red,we again have some changes to the way we will be operating.
We will be open from 4.30pm Tuesday to Sunday.
Ying's @ the RSA will be open for Lunch (Bar not open) and Dinner.
The Bar will be open normal hourson Saturday 29th and Sunday 30th January.
All Adjuncts and Groups, Housie, Friday Quiz Night and Member Draws have been cancelled until further notice.
Thank you
Message from President Geoff March
Here we go again, I am surprised it has taken this long for community cases to appear, if we all obey the rules we may not have to be in RED for too long. Unfortunately, our adjuncts will not be able to operate while we are in RED, please expect changes when you next. We will be going back to limited opening hours while we are in RED. We will keep you informed. Summer has been good to us and long may it continue, we have seen good attendances and a lot of happy people enjoying our facilities and everyone seems to understand what is required now, thank you for your understanding.
We have our AGM scheduled for this coming Sunday at 11am, normally we don’t have over 100 members attend so we can’t see any problem with going ahead. We have voting for our Committee on Saturday so it would be good to get to more involvement and say in the future of your RSA, by voting for those you believe will help us move to a bright future.
After the AGM we are going to auction off street signs, this can still go ahead at this stage. These are the signs that were replaced by Street Signs with Poppies on them (Those names that relate to military involvement) There are 10 signs up for auction, they are 2 X Ajax RD, 2 X Achilles Ave, 2 X Exeter Rd, 1 X Leander Rd, 1 X Philomel Rd and 2 X Tamaki Rd, you can bid before the auction by submitting your bid to the Whangamata RSA office Email : rsamanager@outlook.com Use your name, bid amount and contact details. I am sure there are a lot of people who have lived in these streets or had fantastic holidays and remember these areas.
For further COVID restriction changes check our notice board, website and Facebook.
If you have any suggestions please bring them forward, it is your RSA so your ideas could benefit how we operate and or improve something we are already doing, you may have seen something that was working well in another club or RSA, we are willing to try anything to support our members.
Look after each other enjoy time with family and friends and please keep safe and healthy.
10 November 2021
Message from President Geoff March
Haven’t things changed, the debate about lockdown, vaccination and COVID rules all seem to be complicated and very hard to understand how to implement them in our operating processes and procedures. Like everyone we are waiting for the next step towards freedom. Summer and Christmas this year are certainly an unknown and anything can happen between now and mid December.
Our decision to open has been an interesting exercise, we are not getting large attendances, we think it maybe due to the number and type of restriction in place under our current level. The promise of the Traffic Light System and how it will work is yet another step we will have to manage when the final details and rules are made clearer.
Tomorrow (11th November) is Armistice Day, we haven’t commemorated a lot this year so we are going to hold a commemoration at the Remembrance Wall at 11am, if you are able to attend please wear your medals and attire for the occasion.
Plus we are holding a working Bee to repaint the carpark lines of our back carpark, this will be Monday 15th November starting from 9 am, if you are able to help in anyway your knowledge and assistance will be greatly appreciated. The equipment required we have, just the know how and action will make it work.
Our committee met yesterday and it was agreed that our RSA should put in a float again this year’s Christmas Parade on Saturday 4th December at 3pm, we came up with a simple idea of having uniformed personnel with their spouse and children to represent our family involvement and support for Veterans and serving members that our RSA offers. Des Harrison has agreed to manage the organisation of this, so if you have your uniform (That still fits) or are servicing and can be involved in the Christmas Parade please liaise with Des phone 021 793 367. Your committee feels involvement will be good for the RSA in these trying times, and letting people know who we are and what we do.
As we always say, we need to look after each other and keep an eye out for those around us, they might not say they need help, but I am sure they will appreciate the contact and thought. If you know of anyone who might need help, we have avenues to get them support and assistance, let them know it is not a bother and people enjoy helping where they can.
Due to the COVID situation many events and activities have been cancelled, we will be working hard to ensure we can move to make things available, we will keep you up to date on our decisions and plans as we are able. In saying that the annual Christmas Tree Forest we are planning on going ahead on Thursday 16th, Friday 17th and Saturday 18th December, we think it is easier to cancel last minute than to try and organise last minute, positive move to help us kick start the season.
So please keep an eye on the notice board, our Website and Facebook, plus just ask if there is anything you want clarified to know about.
Thank you for your respect and understanding.
1 November 2021
We are Open... with a few restrictions...
Message from President Geoff March
We opened on Friday night, and it went well right from opening. There was as big crowd and everyone was happy to be back among friends again. Saturday night wasn’t as big a crowd but still a good number to make us happy with our decision. It surprizes me the number of people who still don’t understand the face covering requirements as it is now the normal procedure when you enter a premises, but we even had people who arrived without masks, what do they expect?
Ying and her staff had a couple of busy nights and the positive comments of being able to sit down and enjoy her food made her happy, Ying’s will still be doing take away Tuesday and Sunday (when the RSA isn’t open at the moment) and we are both closed on Monday’s still.
After a management meeting this morning, I can confirm we are opening Wednesday to Saturday from 4.30 to 8 pm, Ying’s will be open for dinner on the same days. She will be open for lunch but no bar service. We will see what (if any) changes and what restrictions are still in place as these are our overriding rules that we have to operate under.
This is a positive step towards opening properly and keeping our staff, members, and guests safe,
Hope to see you on Wednesday, keep safe and obey the rules and we will be moving to a freer summer with some luck.
27 October 2021
We are opening…
The RSA will be open on Friday 29th and Saturday 30th October 4.30pm to 8.00pm and from Wednesday to Saturday same times next week.
We will be operating on a week to week basis at this stage.
We ask that masks be worn, and members sign in using the COVID-19 APP or the sign in slips.
We will be open for Members & Guests and Affiliated Members and their Guests.
Please note, no Provisional Memberships will be issued during this time.
We ask that you respect social distancing, keeping tables one metre apart, and respect others wishes.
The Gaming Machines will be open but please note you are not able to take alcohol or food in this area.
We will be selling raffles but in a safe manner, from a trolley.
There will be no playing 8 Ball or Snooker and Adjuncts will not be operating at this stage. This will be reviewed in the future.
Please note that Ying’s @ the RSA will be open this Friday and Saturday for seated meals (with the bar open) and Sunday and Tuesday (with no bar) and for takeaways. Seated meals (with bar) will resume when the RSA opens again on Wednesday.
We welcome all of our Members back, it has been a long ten weeks, but I am sure that you appreciate why we have done this, to keep all our Members and Staff safe.
Thank you
Message from President Geoff March
I am pleased to finally bring good news to our members, it has been a long haul, even worse for our members in Auckland. We are going to open this coming Friday 29th and Saturday 30th October from 4.30 to 8 pm, yes with limited activities but we can get together and catch up and finally enjoy what we all have been missing.
We have decided to sell raffles from a trolley so we can ensure social distancing and obeying the rules, but other activities will have to wait until restrictions are relaxed a bit more. I look forward to seeing you all again, we do ask that you obey our rules when you use our facilities as we have set rules to protect our staff, members and finally visitors when they can come back. I am sure we are getting used to how it works.
Ying and her staff will open for sit down meals on Friday and Saturday evenings for now, they will still be doing takeaways and she is still operating pick up through her side door. Ying and her staff have appreciated all the support with all those of you that have taken advantage of having her lovely food even it has to be takeaway until now. We will review operating days and hours as we progress with how things are going.
The new government vaccination policy is going to be interesting and will cause discussion and comment, we were talking today, it means if you are not fully vaccinated you will not be able to visit people in hospital for any reason, which will be heart breaking, plus down the track when the vaccine policy and passports come into effect, the hospitality sector will be required to implement (No vaccination no entry policy) that is us.
As we always say, we need to look after each other and keep an eye out for those around us, they might not say they need help, but I am sure they will appreciate the contact and thought. If you know of anyone who might need help, we have avenues to get them support and assistance, let them know it is not a bother and people enjoy helping where they can.
It has been a long haul, finally we can welcome you back, we have had to make some hard decisions over the past few weeks, our biggest concern was our membership, due to age and health restrictions., We are returning in a reasonably health state as we were supported by wage subsidies and other support incentives that were available.
On a happy note, it is our patrons Birthday on Friday, so Happy 90th Birthday Bill Watson, we will be able to celebrate with you.
21 October 2021
Message from President Geoff March
Monday’s announcement was no real surprise after what has happened in Auckland, unfortunately it will make for a quiet Labour Weekend for Whangamata. Quite a few events have been cancelled because of the Lockdown extension. There isn’t a lot to report about the hope of opening, we just have to be patient and co operate with the rules, the sooner this happens the more likely we will get some freedom back.
Ying and her staff, are open for takeaways and she is still operating pick up through her side door. Ying and her staff have appreciated all the support with all those of you that have taken advantage of having her lovely food even it has to be takeaway, we have had a few motorhomes stay overnight as they are taking advantage of the quiet roads and lack of crowds.
It is sad that we are loosing one of our very active and appreciated committee members, Janet Randel and Neil have sold and are moving to Te Aroha, we know it is not far away so we will still see a lot of them, when they come back to visit and be involved in tournaments. We wish them good luck for the next phase of their life.
As we always say, we need to look after each other and keep an eye out for those around us, they might not say they need help, but I am sure they will appreciate the contact and thought. If you know of anyone who might need help, we have avenues to get them support and assistance, let them know it is not a bother and people enjoy helping where they can.
Again, we wait another week to see what next Monday 4pm brings and keeping our fingers crossed that this time there might be good news. Stay safe, look after yourselves and your families and we will meet again.
Enjoy Labour Weekend, and wait for positive news soon so we can mix and mingle again.
12 October 2021
Message from Vice President Lyn Ward
As with most of you I have waited all week to hear what the Government would announce today at 4pm. Sadly there is no change to any of the rules for us so once again the decision was made to keep our club closed to avoid breaking any of those rules and keep you, our members, and our staff safe. We do not feel we can adequately operate with the restrictions in place such as patrons being seated and served at the tables, operating only half our pokie machines with no drinking etc and no snooker, pool etc.
We appreciate all the support that has been shown to us and certainly understand everybody’s frustration (including our own) but we need to do the right thing for everyone.
This is also disappointing for Ying and her staff, as our decision effects them opening as well. YING’s is still open for takeaways, and she is operating pick up through her side door. I know Ying and her staff have appreciated all the support with all those of you that have taken advantage of having her lovely food even it has to be takeaway.
As we always say, we need to look after each other and keep an eye out for those around us, they might not say they need help, but I am sure they will appreciate the contact and thought. If you know of anyone who might need help, we have avenues to get them support and assistance, let them know it is not a bother and people enjoy helping where they can.
Once again, we wait another week to see what next Monday 4pm brings and keeping our fingers crossed that this time there might good news. Stay safe, look after yourselves and your families and we will meet again.
Remember summer is coming and that brightens all our spirits.
6 October 2021
Message from President Geoff March
Oh dear, this Monday’s announcement didn’t really change anything, yes they dropped the cap on the number of people allowed in a facility, unfortunately they haven’t allowed Snooker/Pool or any adjunct activities. Plus, the sticking point we have is the serving at your table, we just don’t have the staff for what they are suggesting, so it has amplifier the problem we are addressing already. Yes, there are other facilities open and not totally obeying the rules, this is disappointing and the fact they can do it isn’t helping our cause.
We met and went over the rules and restrictions. For the protection of the RNZ RSA name and reputation we agreed it is not realistic for us to open, we are really hoping to operate soon, we are missing everyone as well.
Because there are no adjunct or group activities allowed, we have decided to stay shut until this rule and the serving rule allow us to operate safely.
Although we are getting several people/groups enquiring if they can do this or that during the day, it is better we stay closed as this will avoid confusion. Figures show that opening is creating issues for many other clubs, many are operating at a loss with the running costs and not getting the number of patrons, as with last lockdown many patrons will leave venturing out until there are less restrictions.
This is also disappointing for Ying and her staff, as our decision effects them opening as well. YING’s is still open for takeaways and she is operating pick up through her side door, I am sure there are a lot of us who are missing her food.
Our local drive through vaccination centre featured on Seven Sharp on Monday Night, the comment was made that Whangamata has done well with those who are vaccinated. They also talked about the statistics of those in hospital and ICU the majority are unvaccinated, it has been proven that the jabs lessen the effect of COVID, many of our older members may not understand how to get and the need to get vaccinated, so if you know of anyone please have the conversation with them and assist them if possible for the overall good of our community.
In the meantime, we need to look after each other and keep an eye out for those around us, they might not say they need help but I am sure they will appreciate the contact and thought. If you know of anyone who might need help, we have avenues to get them support and assistance, let them know it is not a bother and people enjoy helping where they can.
Keep safe, we are all looking forward to being around people again. All I can say is hold on for another week and hopefully we can meet each other again, just think of good times ahead. Remember summer is coming and that brightens all our spirits, Auckland can enjoy their picnics now.
28 September 2021
Message from President Geoff March
Good afternoon Members and friends of Whangamata RSA. We met this morning with our Management team and the NZ Police to go over how we could operate correctly in the current level with restrictions. The outcome was that we couldn’t maintain the level of service and social distancing with our staff numbers, the most significant restriction is that we would need a single server per table in the RSA and for the Restaurant, which would involve people we don’t have.
So while we are enjoying more freedom than our members who live in Auckland we still have our difficulties. A worrying thing that has been noticed is the number of Auckland neighbours who appear at weekends, etc. many without exemptions. I am sure like me, this makes us a bit uneasy and doesn’t help with the overall effort of those obeying the rules. Hopefully it doesn’t reflect on the decisions to change levels. Remember there is a COVID alert phone system to ensure this doesn’t happen, please don’t feel you can’t do it, think of what would happen if COVID arrived in Whangamata because someone didn’t obey the rules. I AM SORRY ISN’T A REASON?
One good thing is YING’s is still open for phone order takeaways, she will be operating pick up through her side door, like us it is a chance to still grab something to enjoy.
It is hard to work out how the next few weeks will work, having different parts of the country on different levels has been hard to manage and I am sure we all want to get back to having more freedom together.
In the meantime, we need to look after each other and keep an eye out for those around us, they might not say they need help but I am sure they will appreciate the contact and thought. How about invite your neighbour or friend and head out for a walk and a coffee, a good chat makes everyone feel better. If you know of anyone who might need help, we have avenues to get them support and assistance, let them know it is not a bother and people enjoy helping where they can.
Keep safe, we are all looking forward to being around people again, please bear with us in the meantime. Remember summer is coming and that brightens all our spirits.
21 September 2021
Level 2 Update - 21 September 2021
Whangamata RSA will remain closed
Ying’s @ the RSA will be open for Takeaways only
Lunch 11am - 2.30pm | Dinner 5.30pm - close
Please scan or sign in | Masks must be worn
Phone orders preferred: 865 9419 ext 4
Menu is available on website:
Thank you
Message from President Geoff March
Here we go, unfortunately we are not able to go back in business, the big problem we have is the number of restrictions and the closeness of the latest outbreak. As Pukekohe was at Level Four many people in the area of the latest outbreak were shopping in Thames, this is also a common place that many of our members could have visited in the last couple of weeks.
We have also considered our staff concerns, plus we have limited staff available to effectively operate with the restriction that come with Level 2. We had a management meeting this morning and have made the decision to remain closed until Monday’s announcement next week, we apologise for any inconvenience or disappointment this will cause our members, but we have to consider everyone’s health and safety.
We hopefully will have better news next week, please bear with us.
Ying’s will still be open for phone order takeaways, Ying and her staff have been very busy, which is great to see.
You will hear other RSA’s and Clubs are open, this is great to hear that they are able to operate, we certainly didn’t take the decision to remain closed lightly as we are also missing the company and enjoyment of seeing members enjoying our safe and friendly environment.
We thank you for your understanding and support, hopefully we will be able to get back to offering our facilities again soon.
On a sad note, we have been informed that Kevin Greaves has been diagnosed with stage four colon cancer, we have been in contact and offered our thoughts and wishes. You will find a link on our Facebook page to a Give a Little page for Kevin as he has been offered an expensive groundbreaking course of treatment, so we urge our members to support this as Kevin has been a loyal member and regular entertainer. Once we are able to operate again, we will also do a series of Bucket shakes of those who are not wanting to donate online.
Please keep safe, obey the rules and we will see our way to managing to live with COVID, it is our new normal.
14 September 2021
Message from President Geoff March
Still at Level 2, I guess it was expected after what has happened in the last few days, think of our fellow members from Auckland, as least we have some freedom, hopefully next week will see a welcome change for them and us.
If we drop a level we think we could open, depends on the restriction that come with the new levels as we have seen, we can only wait like the rest of the country.
The present level restriction of 50 we can’t work with if Ying’s is open as well, hence the decision to stay closed.
One good thing is YING’s is going to open for takeaways from Wednesday, she will be operating pick up through her side door, I am sure there are a lot of us who are missing her food.
The local vaccination centre has been busy in the weekends and is getting a great response, I saw a cartoon where a daughter was asking her mother what the scar on her arm was, her mum said it was for Measles, so why don’t I have one, mum said because it worked. Maybe that is wishful thinking, but we can be ever hopeful.
In the meantime we need to look after each other and keep an eye out for those around us, they might not say the need help but I sure they will appreciate the contact and thought. If you know of anyone who might need help, we have avenues to get them support and assistance, let them know it is not a bother and people enjoy helping where they can.
Keep safe, we are all looking forward to being around people again.
All I can say is hold on for another week hopefully and we can meet each other again, just think of good times ahead.
Remember summer is coming and that brightens all our spirits.
6 September 2021
Being in Delta Level Two, more restrictions have been placed on Hospitality Businesses, which includes us.
Unfortunately, the decision has been made to stay closed during this level.
This also includes Ying’s @ the RSA.
We will advise you of any further updates as they come to hand.
Message from President Geoff March
Hope you are all in good health and not driving yourself mad.
The decision has been made to remain closed in Delta Level Two as there are too many restrictions and only a low number to gather.
Ying has also decided to remain closed this week.
When we know what is happening with Level changes, we will organise what is required and how we plan to implement them. Levels may change but with added restrictions as we have seen.
Keep safe and obey the rules and we will get through this again. Thank you all.
Our Annual General Meeting has been postponed and another date will be advised as soon as we are able to. Government states that dates for AGMs cannot be set until the Government states that we have reached Alert Level One (for COVID-19 purposes).
The current Committee will remain in Office until the election is held.
5 Sepember 2021
Message from President Geoff March
Still at Level 3, certainly doesn’t seem to be much different to the Level 4 for most of us. We have seen more traffic at Level 3 with the tradies back at work, hopefully they can carry on with the limited supplies that would normally come out of Auckland, let’s hope this is a good sign of more relaxed things soon.
AGM - under advisement from Clubs NZ and our rules we have made the decision to defer our AGM from Sunday 19th September. This allows for us to still get information out to our membership and what is being voted on and any decisions that will need to be made. Once we are allowed to hold the AGM, we will agree to a date that gives plenty of time for our members to know what is involved.
We have had a great response with six members along with the present committee putting their name forward to join our committee, this is the most we have had in the last few years. Good luck to all who have put their names forward and we will get everyone who have put their name forward to submit a Bio on themselves, these will give us an understanding of what background, experience, knowledge and a brief on what they have to offer our RSA and it’s members. It is always surprising what people have done and what they have achieved, I am looking forward to seeing these and working with the successful candidates.
On Sunday 29th September we had booked the Whitianga Dixieland Band, to be fair to them and ourselves we have agreed to cancel them, and they will come back to us with another date once things can get back some form of normality. Kevin Greaves has been having streamed sessions through his Facebook which has been good to see.
If the daily cases continue being steady there is a chance that our Level change could come in the next week or so, in the meantime we need to look after each other and keep an eye out for those around us, they might not say the need help but I sure they will appreciate the contact and thought. If you know of anyone who might need help, we have avenues to get them support and assistance, let them know it is not a bother and people enjoy helping where they can.
Keep safe, we are all looking forward to being around people again.
1 Sepember 2021
Level 3 is here, which means no change for us as we are not able to open.
Ying has made the decision not to open.
Take care everyone, hopefully we will see you all soon.
1 Sepember 2021
Message from President Geoff March
Welcome to Level 3, it doesn’t mean a lot for us as an RSA. There are too many restrictions and guidelines of control that make it sensible not to open, plus Level 3 doesn’t list clubs as being able to open anyway. So we have to wait until Level 2.
Our community has a bit more flexibility with contactless activity and social distancing, I have seen there is a big rush to get a burger or coffee fix. I guess if you are told to can’t have something, it makes you feel as though you need it more.
There are no decisions yet of future events and activities, we will address these once we have a confirmation of if or when we will change to another level depending on what is going on around us. Like everyone else I hope the next level will be Level 2, we all need to get back to seeing each other and getting back into our activities.
As in previous messages, if you need assistance or support or know of someone who needs assistance or support, this includes giving them a friendly phone call.
Whangamata Community Trust has also offered food parcels to anyone, again if you know anyone who could do with this help please let me know in confidence and I will arrange delivery.
Keep safe, be kind to each other and follow the rules, that way we have a chance to get on top of this and to return to a more normal life.
27 August 2021
Message from President Geoff March
Hi Members,
We hope you are all okay, times like these certainly test a lot of things to do with our lives.
This latest outbreak is concerning, but I think it has been managed reasonably well compared to what is happening in both Fiji and Australia and even if we go to Level 3 we still can’t operate. Hopefully the transition to Level 2 will come sooner rather than later, it means we all need to follow the rules and instructions.
On Sunday 19th September is our AGM, there are certain procedures that need to be followed leading up to this, nominations for Executive Committee would normally have the cut off this Friday 27th at 5pm but due to the situation, our Manager, Vice President and myself have agreed to extend this by one week to allow those considering putting their name forward a chance to do so. So the final day for nominations to be accepted is now Friday 3rd September at 5pm.
If there is anyone you think would be good for our committee to help guide and take us into our positive future. I am not saying that those who have been on the committee haven’t been proactive and involved, I am saying we need new ideas and people to help us go forward.
We will not be able to get nomination forms signed and returned as we need to social distance and not have contact, so we ask you to email the Secretary/Manager: rsamanager@outlook.com with the name of the nominee, a proposer and a seconder with their membership numbers and when we can meet together again we will get this information formalised.
The Positions for nomination are: President and Vice President (You need to have been on the Executive Committee for a year with in the last five years) and Committee Member (any financial member can be nominated for the committee member role). If you want to know what is involved or to know what the roles are please ask and we will send you the relevant information.
Let’s hope we are able to be back together again soon, in the meantime be kind and let us know if you or if you know of any member who may need assistance or support with even a phone call.
24 August 2021
Message from President Geoff March
Hi Members,
We hope you are keeping well and obeying the rules, as you have heard we are holding in Level 4 until Friday. This will put paid to Saturday’s entertainment and more importantly Combined Services Day on Sunday is CANCELLED for the second year in a row, we had a Merit Badge presentation and at least one Defence Medal to present. We will work on having a luncheon to present these when Level change allows.
If you are need of anything please contact us and we will see what we can do to help, plus if you know of a member who may need assistance, please let us know, it is better for them to be contacted by many than not contacted at all.
We do have other deadlines and events that maybe effected by our lockdowns, we will work on these and let you know what we propose to do and how we can best deal with them.
As I said, if you know of a member who you think could do with help or even contact please let us know, the RSA is about support and we need all of our members to feel they are not alone.
Thank you all for your understanding.
18 August 2021
Message from President Geoff March
Here we go again, this one’s origins are a bit close to home, just goes to show that tracing and signing in works and helps make it easier to track your movements if you have come into contact or contract COVID.
The Delta variant is a scary beast, so the decision to lockdown quickly is a sensible one for all of us. I think the government has learnt this from the Australian response, it gets hold extremely easily and spreads at an alarming rate.
Yes, we are going to have disruption in our lives for a while but I am sure it is all going to be worth it, we have done it before and it works.
If you know of members who may need assistance and is not getting any support please let us know, we can reach out and have some contingencies available if needed. Your understanding of the situation is appreciated.
Unfortunately we had a funeral scheduled for today, which obviously had to be cancelled, our thoughts are with the family.
We had a couple of events (Country meets Cabaret on Saturday Night and Kevin Greases on Sunday) scheduled for this weekend which will unfortunately be cancelled, we have to work with Jodi Vaughan and Barbie Davidson to get then booked again, we will let you know when.
So we are officially closed until Tuesday 24th August when we will know more of the situation, this is a countrywide effort and we hope you will do your best to protect yourself for the sake of others.
Again, if you know of any member who you know of or are not sure if they are getting support please let us know so we can look into their situation and assist where we can. It is better to have over support than no support at all.
Keep safe and obey the Level 4 restrictions, see you back again next week, fingers crossed.
5 March 2021
A message from Geoff March, President
Phew! Another level change managed and dealt with. I have noticed that the more we have these restrictions the more people are getting less patient and sometimes less kind in their comments.
Our RSA is set out to comply with the restrictions at level changes and it is good to see the majority conform to these. It is management who get asked about how we deal with the situation if an inspector comes through. So, it is best to deal with the level change responsibly to avoid any disruption due to noncompliance. Overall, we thank you all for your understanding, keep scanning
and tracking tracing please.
In case didn't see the COVID-19 announcement at 4.00pm today, at 6.00am on Sunday 7th March Auckland drops to Level 2 and the rest of the country to Level 1.
Next thing we have had three huge earthquakes that put us on edge, if it is not the Virus it is nature, hopefully 2021 will not be as bouncy as 2020. We are finished with both for now, keep safe.
Now we can move on and enjoy what we have to offer over the next month or two, Bands, Beach Hop and ANZAC DAY to name a few, check our website, Facebook page and noticeboards for more
that is happening.
This Sunday 7th March we have our first working bee to tidy up around our RSA before Beach Hop and ANZAC DAY, we propose to start at 9.30am, the type of things we want to achieve is weeding
of gardens, preparing, and painting fences, borders, and anything else that needs a touch up. If you can bring some tools, hoes, rakes, buckets for the rubbish and gloves, every little amount of work will be appreciated. Bruce Moore 865 9089 is co ordinating this, contact him if you have any queries please. There could be a requirement to have another working bee on Sunday 14th March at 9.30am, depends on how many we get to help and what we get done, will let you know if this one will go ahead.
The other exciting event we hold annually is Welfare Bowls Day. It is planned to be held on Sunday 21st March, a FUN day for bowlers and non-bowlers. We are looking for prizes and if you are
interested in attending there is a register list on the bar, more information is in the Feb/Mar RAZZA. Close off is Friday 19th March. A good day with morning and afternoon teas, lunch, prizes,
and raffles. As it is close to St Patrick’s Day, we encourage you to dress in something green. See you there.
Thank you in advance
1 March 2021
Level 2 update
We will be closed during the day on Tuesday 2nd March 2021, but will open up at 4.00pm for the evening.
Ying’s @ the RSA will be open as usual from 5.00pm.
All Adjunct activity and Quiz Night have been cancelled for the week.
Please check our Website: whangamatarsa.com or Facebook Page for further updates as they come to hand.
A message from President Geoff March
Good day to you all, hope moving to Level Two has not been too hard on you, but it is required if we are to be safe and healthy.
In saying that, just a reminder that there will be no Membership Draws, Raffles or Joker’s Wild Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday this week.
We will keep you posted as to what is happening with regards to opening hours, via the Website and Facebook.
28 February 2021
We will be closed Monday 1st March.
We are now back in COVID-19 Level 2 as of 28th February 2021.
Due to the guidelines we will be operating under, there will be no more than a 100 people on the premises.
The tables have been spaced and bar service has been set up for Level 2. Please follow signage.
Everyone will be asked to sign in using the QR Code or the Contact Tracing Register.
Please maintain social distancing, wash your hands and use one of the many sanitizing stations situated around the RSA.
Membership Draws and Raffles have been cancelled for the week.
We will keep you informed of any other changes.
Please follow all Ministry of Health guidelines,and if you feel unwell please stay home!
We are asking any Members/Guests and Affiliated Members that have travelled from the Auckland Area recently not to come to the RSA.
Remember to be kind to one another and we will get through this again.
Thank you, Whangamata RSA
18 February 2021
As of today, Thursday 18th February we are back at Level 1.
This means that we will be operating as normal.
Everyone will still be asked to sign in using the QR Code or the Contact Tracing Register.
Please remember to wash/sanitize your hands.
Please follow all Ministry of Health guidelines, and if you feel unwell please stay home!
Remember to be kind to one another...
Thank you, Whangamata RSA
A message from Geoff March - President
Well done to everyone again, shows that we understand the severity of if COVID got into our community, it hurts for a bit but is worthwhile as a clear result. Luckily, we were not affected too greatly, unlike some other businesses, organisations, and events around the country, hopefully we will stay at alert level 1 for a while.
Thankfully, the Government have reacted quickly and seem to understand the urgency of locating the source of the latest cluster. Unfortunately, I think COVID is going to be out there a lot longer than we want, but while we are in Whangamata we are relatively safe and our Community certainly looks after itself and we respect what is asked of us individually.
We are looking forward to seeing you back enjoying our RSA in normal circumstances, we will keep you informed of coming events and activities. Friday night is normal raffles and draws as well as Quiz Night.
15 February 2021
We are now back in COVID-19 Level 2 as of 15th February 2021.
Due to the guidelines we will be operating under, there will be no more than a 100 people on the premises.
The tables have been spaced and bar service has been set up for Level 2. Please follow signage.
Everyone will be asked to sign in using the QR Code or the Contact Tracing Register.
Please maintain social distancing, wash your hands and use one of the many sanitizing stations situated around the RSA.
Membership Draws and Raffles have been cancelled for Wednesday 17th February.
We will keep you informed of any other changes.
Please follow all Ministry of Health guidelines,and if you feel unwell please stay home!
We are asking any Members/Guests and Affiliated Members that have travelled from the Auckland Area recently not to come to the RSA.
Remember to be kind to one another and we will get through this again.
Thank you, Whangamata RSA
A message from President Geoff March
Greetings fellow members,
I hope your summer has been a good one and you have been able to do things you wanted to do, the weather has been great overall, and we have seen a lot of people enjoying our country and making the most of the lesser number of people travelling around our country, due to international travel restrictions.
As we are at COVID Level 2 we will have the usual protections in place and we will follow the guide lines to protect our members and guests, the limit of 100 people will be monitored and you will need to trace for your protection.
Social distancing will be in place again, until we go back to Level 1, so this will limit some of the activities that we would normally offer, for those adjuncts that use our RSA you are still welcome, if you have any concerns please raise the issue so we can see if we can sort it with you. My best advice is for you to think of your own safety and health to manage the protocol that are require at Level 2, if in doubt then maybe stay away until you feel comfortable and safe to do so again.
Once we go back to Level 1 it will be great to see you in our relaxed atmosphere again.
Thank you for your support and understanding. We live in a fairly safe place, long may it last.
23 September 2020
A message from Geoff March - President
Good morning all, well that was our first day back at Level One, yes it felt good, but there was apprehension as well, but we made it again. There have been some good lessons learned about our health and community wellbeing, and I believe we need to look after both.
On Wednesday 23rd we will be back to holding of full complement of raffles and draws, we have 2 Scallop packs, 2 meat packs and 2 lotto packs for raffle, Membership draw will be $1000.00 , $100.00 and a $30.00 bar voucher for the last 2 numbers of your membership number. Plus we can get back to chasing the Joker.
We thank you for your support and understanding up until this time, we have enjoyed some large numbers attending the RSA in the weekends. We are expecting a big influx for the school holidays which start this coming Friday, we just have to remember to respect each other and those around us.
We had our AGM on Sunday, there was no change to the committee, this will change as we have now employed a full time person on the door, congratulations to Karyn Jones for taking up this role. The role until now has been manned by volunteers from the committee, I would like to thank Janet Randell, Craig Kahu and Karyn Jones for making tracking, recording and door control such a welcoming and helpful entry to our RSA.
Kevin Greaves will be entertaining us on Sunday 27th from 4pm to 7pm, Kevin has been entertaining on Facebook during lockdowns, so this is his chance to play in front of an audience again, we hope you can come and have a fun afternoon with us.
Once again, thank you to our members and to those who have supported us through the Levels, we are able to comfortably carry on and offer our full facilities again.
17 September 2020
A message from Geoff March - President
Yippee, we are (hopefully) going to able to go back to Level One on Monday, we will still be tracking and recording until then. I must say the general attitude towards our process has been great, we have reached our one hundred limit and it hasn’t been a problem, please keep it up until Monday.
We have trialed a couple of Scallop raffles on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday and it seems to work well under the rules. We will be starting Raffles from Wednesday 16 September, a $40.00 Meat Pack and Lotto Pack and two Scallop pack raffles, thank you for your support on this, will review them again Monday.
As I have said in the past, we are running our RSA as we think the rules allow, so far this has been working well, we must remember though, that if we do something that isn’t correct it will reflect on RNZRSA nationally not just our RSA. We have had visits from the police and council inspectors, and they have been pleased with our set up and tracking process.
It is going to be interesting to see how the level drop will impact on school holidays, as this will be another opportunity for people to get out and about to enjoy our country, just hope the present clusters get contained and possibly eradicated by then.
Just a reminder, this coming Sunday 20th is our AGM, would be good to see a good turnout, to hear how we have done and how we are going. We will have an election for our Committee positions on Saturday 19th, absentee voting is available until Friday at 5pm.
Thank you to those who have supported us it is truly appreciated by us.
Keep safe and well.
5 September 2020
A message from Geoff March, President
Good afternoon members,
Well I don’t think we were really expecting the new extension to our COVID level, we will remain at level two until 11.59 on Wednesday 16th September (If people behave and look out for each other).
We are expecting this weekend to be a bit busier than we have had lately, please register in, social distance and keep to the group size rules, we want to see our members but these times are trying for all of us, our personal health and the health of our community is paramount.
We have decided not to change the way we operate until we are at level one, there will be some activities that we can manage because they will be registered in and social distanced, but generally we will not be back to normal operation.
I have heard a few people say but the other clubs are doing this or that, we are not the other clubs and we have decided to protect our members and visitors, generally we have been pleased with the support we have had from our members and think the way they behave and obey the rules in fantastic. Thank you all so much.
Look after yourselves and keep each other safe, enjoy the weekend.
25 August 2020
Due to Covid-19 we are back at Level 2
We ask that you please adhere to the rules and restrictions
As of 24th August,
we will continue to limit trading hours
We will OPEN at 4.30pm and
CLOSE at 8.30pm each day
The RSA and Ying's will be closed on Mondays
Ying’s @ the RSA will still be open
with social distancing for Lunch and Dinner.
Dine in and takeaway
There will be no Raffles, Joker’s Wild or Membership Draws
Friday Night Quiz, All Adjunct and
Group Activities have been cancelled
You must sign in for contact tracing
Please wash/sanitize your hands
Please respect social distancing guidelines
If you are unwell please stay home
Thank You
Country Music Club for 6th September has been cancelled.
A letter from Geoff March, President
To all Whangamata RSA members,
Looks like we have to hold out a few more days, with a lot of luck people will behave themselves and we can get a change in levels on Sunday. To those members in Auckland, we hope you are keeping safe and obeying the rules, we want to see you back visiting us again.
It has been surprising the number of people we are still getting in to enjoy our RSA and restaurant, even though we are operating on limited hours and no activities, and yes we are monitoring numbers but we haven’t had to turn anyone away as yet.
During the week we had an up lifting experience, a couple from the UK who used to visit Whangamata and the RSA for many years, unfortunately he passed away last year. Earlier this year his wife decided to come and visit family and got locked down in Whangamata, she had an amazing experience both from our people in our community and our RSA, in fact she enjoyed the experience so much she gave us a sizable donation. A very generous gift that will be put to good use.
As we have asked in the past, if you know of anyone who would appreciate a phone call or visit, please let us know, lets keep doing this together. We look forward to seeing you next time you visit us.
15 August 2020
Welcome to COVID-19 Level 2 continuation.
This morning we have had a Management meeting to work out the best way forward for our Members and our RSA. The first decision made is that we will limit trading hours until the 26th August when the Levels will be revised.
We will operate under normal hours for today, Saturday 15th and Sunday 16th . We will be closed on Mondays as the Restaurant does not open.
As of Tuesday 18th August we will open at 4.30pm and close at 8.30pm each day.
I am sure you will understand that we must protect our Staff and Patrons (many of whom are senior in years). We provide a safe haven and a family friendly environment, and we wish to safeguard this. Ying’s @ the RSA will still be open with social distancing for diners and takeaways.
All Adjunct and Group Activities have been cancelled to ensure Patron and Staff safety. You can still play Snooker or 8 Ball but you will need to get the balls, triangles and cues from the Bar Staff and return them when you have finished so they can be sanitized between games.
There will be no Raffles, Joker’s Wild or Membership Draws, we will still honour the Ode at 6pm on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday.
We have also had to postpone the Guy Cater Show MS fundraiser. It has been re-scheduled for Saturday 26th September. If you are unable to make this date, please get in touch with our office to arrange a refund. We apologise for the inconvenience.
We have also postponed Combined Services Day. We have not set a date yet but will work on that. We have had to do this as people will be booking accommodation and arranging travel to come to attend. We are not having much luck with our commemorations this year, ANZAC DAY now this!
Remember keep safe and be kind. If you know of any members who would benefit from contact or assistance, please let our office know and we will arrange support.
We value your support and understanding it is appreciated and we look forward to hosting you as normal again someday (SOON).
We will keep you up to date of any changes or announcements via our website, Facebook page and email.
Thank you, Geoff March
President Whangamata RSA
Due to Covid-19 we are back at Level 2
We ask that you please adhere to the rules and restrictions
We will be limiting trading hours until
the 26th August when the Levels will be revised
We will operate under normal hours for
Saturday 15th and Sunday 16th
We will be closed on Mondays
As of Tuesday 18th August we will
OPEN at 4.30pm and
CLOSE at 8.30pm each day
Ying’s @ the RSA will still be open with social distancing for diners and takeaways LUNCH?
Friday Night Quiz, All Adjunct and
Group Activities have been cancelled
You must sign in for contact tracing
Please wash/sanitize your hands
Please respect social distancing guidelines
If you are unwell please stay home
Thank You
13 August 2020
Due to COVID-19 Alert Levels changing unfortunately we have had to postpone
‘Guy Cater - Hypnotist’ until Saturday 26th September 2020.
If you are not able to attend the new date and would like a refund, please contact us.
Thank you for your understanding.
12 August 2020
As you’ve probably heard we are now back in COVID-19 Level 2 as of today.
Due to the guidelines we will be operating under, there will be no more than a 100 people on the premises.
The tables have been spaced and bar service has been set up as it was previously in Level 2.
Everyone will be asked to sign in on the COVID-19 Register and we still have the contact tracing app QR Code in place for personal use.
For Wednesday 12th – Friday 14th August. All adjuncts and group activities have been cancelled.
We will keep you informed of any other changes.
Please follow all Ministry of Health guidelines and if you feel unwell please stay home!
We are asking any Members/Guests and Affiliated Members that have travelled from the Auckland Area recently not to come to the RSA.
Remember to be kind to one another and we will get through this again.
13 April 2020
Update from Geoff March
Happy Easter
Good morning, I hope this finds you in good health and coping with the lockdown, good news it seems to have some effect, we got caught and are in lockdown in Argentina, we have been in isolation or lockdown since the 16th March, at least you are now over your halfway mark of lockdown.
Argentina is in lockdown until the 12th April after that who knows what restrictions and changes there will be, we are in Viedma which is 10 to 12 hours drive as there are no internal flights, plus most repatriation flights are going through Chile, we can’t get there as you can’t drive, It’s a 24 plus hours drive and the Chile government is not allowing foreigners in without strict controls. We have good people working on our behalf to get us home when it is possible.
We are staying at a Summer Park (twenty kms out of Viedma) which is on five acres and has chalets, we are alone other than the owners as summer is over for Argentina. During the day I have been doing tasks for owners, trimming hedges, painting gates and doors and enjoying their company, even though we don’t speak Spanish and they don’t speak English, thankfully we have a translator on our phones. We have some strange conversations as the translation can mean something a little different, but we have all laughed it off. We have been given lots of prepared food, and we have an ex exchange student we came to visit in Viedma (We decided not to stay with her as she has a young family, they need their space and freedom). Mariana our student has taken us shopping and
has explained when our conversations became confusing (Spanish to English and vice versa). We are safe and
fairly comfortable.
There have been some fun things on the internet as well as some not so good attitudes and comments, adverse
conditions do this to people in different ways, I hope you have been kind and lenient towards others. We are human so we react in ways that others may not understand. Yes, everyone is missing family, relations and friends, as well as the usual freedom that we were used to, that’s maybe in the past now. As they are saying there is going to be a new normal, so let’s work together to make that work in everybody’s interest and the good of our community.
Easter is here, can I ask you to reach out to someone you haven’t heard of or been in touch with for a while, a
simple phone call will make you feel better and will brighten someone else’s day.
Here is a quote from Leo Buscaglia” Too often we underestimate the power of a touch. A simple smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment , or the smallest act of caring. All of which have the potential to turn a life around." How poignant is this at this time in our lives and the making of history right now.
So hopefully, those who were thinking of breaking the BUBBLE and coming Whangamata to get away have
realised their decision would not have been a good one for them or for Whangamata. The lockdown is not normal for anybody, but the lockdown is for a bigger picture reason and appears to be working.
We have just been told that New Zealand is featuring in the Argentina papers, saying it took the right steps by
isolating the nation and they believe it will prove beneficial in the long run.
So please enjoy Easter even it is in the virtual world, please stay safe and be kind to each other and those in Whangamata.
Whangamata RSA
10 April 2020
Hello, we are now in to week 3 of Lockdown. Checking in again to see how you are doing? How have you been spending your time?
It's Easter Weekend... and it will be a different Easter to what we are all used to but do use the time to get some rest and spend some valuable time in your 'Bubble'.
For the kids (or adults) in your bubble, you can join in 'The Big New Zealand Easter Egg Hunt' this weekend. https://www.aucklandforkids.co.nz/…/the-big-new-zealand-ea…/
Doctor Sandie Moss has asked us to pass on to our members...
"If you are showing any symptoms of Covid-19? Please go and see the team at the assessment centre" The Whangamata Assessment Centre is at the Memorial Hall. https://www.facebook.com/events/506804253346600/
We know this is a difficult time, we ask that you keep in touch with each other, be it by phone, email, facebook... If you would like to keep in touch with us, at this time it is best to do so through facebook.
We are wishing you and your loved ones well during these unprecedented times. We look forward to opening our doors to you again when COVID-19 is contained.
Stay safe, be kind and please stay home.
For information on COVID-19 https://covid19.govt.nz/
An update from Geoff and Sue March in Argentina.
On the 9th of March Sue and I headed to South America, this trip was to visit exchange students we had hosted in the nineties from Argentina.
We went through Buenos Aries to Santiago Chile a part of a tour package we were to finish after visiting them, we toured around from two days ad then on the 11th March we flew to Cordoba to stay with the first student. Andrea took us around and about Cordoba before we flew to Viedma.
On arrival in Viedma we were met by Mariana, she showed us around and took us to a hotel as she has a young family and attitudes were changing towards foreigners and inter country travel. We were at the hotel for a few minutes and the police turned up with a medical person and a government official to place us in isolation because we had visited Chile. We were very lucky that Mariana is well known and was able to reduce the isolation time to eight days as we had left Chile six days before.
Isolation, we had to stay in our hotel room, lucky Mariana was able to get us access to Netflix, she was our go between to he hotel staff as none of them spoke English and they were also afraid of us. Five days dragged by and the hotel was so empty except for us, so we were moved to a room that had a lounge and fridge for the last three days, on the day of our isolation release we had another medical check over and were cleared.
During the time in isolation we discussed with Mariana and decided it was not fair for us to stay with Marianas family. They needed space and for their own peace of mind of having foreigners staying others could feel uncomfortable.
We looked around for an apartment or Air B n B, there wasn’t a big selection, when we enquired they didn’t want to host foreigners. What were we going to do, then Marianas husband Juan Palo came up with an idea, one of Marianas friends parents own a Summer Park out of Viedma, summer was over so it was empty other than the owners. This place has chalets and is on five acres, plus they didn’t mind foreigners, so we moved there.
We are able to roam the five acres at out leisure and we have shopped for supplies for we were now able to fend for ourselves and back into a normal routine, plus we have been able to do chores for the owners trimming hedges and painting which is passing the time, as for now we don’t know for how long and where we can return to NZ.
We have excellent support from our travel agent, Scott Simpson and the NZ embassy has been helping as well, we can only wait, at least we are comfortable and well supplied, plus we get on well with the owners they are giving us local meals and we communicate using a translator on our phones, working well.
So until we return and can catch up in the new normal, keep safe, be kind to each other and obey the rules,
Geoff and Sue March
Whangamata RSA
24 March 2020
To our Members and Guests,
In response to the Government’s announcement that New Zealand will be entering Alert Level 4 lockdown on Wednesday 25th March, we will be staying closed.
We know this is a difficult time, we ask that you keep in touch with each other, be it by phone, email, facebook... If you would like to keep in touch with us, at this time it is best to do so through facebook.
Please stay safe out there and remember to look after each other. We wish you all the best over the coming weeks and look forward to opening our doors to you again when COVID-19 is contained.
Stay safe, be kind and please stay home.
We're all in this together
20 March 2020
Action on Indoor Gatherings and events to protect public health
Friday 20th & Saturday 21st March 2020
Following the Government decision to reduce the numbers to 100 for indoor gatherings we will be restricting entry to
Members Only, No Guests or Visitors!
You must have your card on you, and you will be asked to sign in for traceability purposes.
We apologise for any inconvenience but this is out of our hands.
Please respect other members and practice self distancing.
Keep safe everyone! We will keep you informed with any changes.
Following the Government decision to reduce the numbers to 100 for indoor gatherings and due to the fact that a lot of people will be coming to Whangamata for the Beach Hop Week.
We have made a very hard decision to close the RSA for a week, commencing Sunday 22nd March and re-evaluating the situation on Monday 30th March.
Ying’s @ the RSA will be open for takeaways and home delivery if necessary.
Lunch - 11am to 2.30pm | Dinner - 5pm to 8pm
Text Ying on 021 116 8661
Delivery in Whangamata only
Minimum Order $35.00, plus $5.00 delivery fee
Orders over $50.00 no delivery fee
19 March 2020
An important update for members, guests and visitors.
As a community-based organisation, we are taking advice on COVID–19 (Coronavirus) seriously, and as a result have implemented the following measures to ensure the safety and wellbeing of our staff, members, guests and visitors. Our primary concern will be to protect people, ensure our obligations under the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 and maintain our duty of care to our staff, and to persons on, or seeking to visit our premises.
All persons who have returned from overseas from midnight Sunday 15 March 2020, or been in contact with people who have returned from overseas travel are required by law to self-isolate for a period of 14 days and as a result will not be permitted to enter the Club premises.
All persons whose place of employment, education or socialisation that has been closed due to a confirmed case of COVID-19 are not to enter the Club. All persons who experience or show signs of flu like symptoms are not to enter the Club. These symptoms may include fever, cough, sore throat, tiredness and shortness of breath.
Persons who are onsite and showing flu like symptoms will be asked to leave the premises. We encourage all persons who are experiencing flu like symptoms to follow the advice of Ministry of Health. For more information on COVID-19 visit https://www.health.govt.nz/our-work/diseases-andconditions/covid-19-novel-coronavirus/covid-19-novel-coronavirus-health-advice-generalpublic#symptoms
We encourage all staff, members, guests and visitors to practice good hygiene at all times.
The Club has increased signage within the venue to inform staff, members, guests and visitors of good hygiene practices.
The Club’s staff will be discouraged from engaging in personal contact, such as the shaking of hands with fellow staff, members, guests and visitors. Please do not take this in any other way than as a preventative and control measure to help prevent the spread of viruses.
The Club is also instituting frequent sanitisation of “high touch areas” including bathrooms, door handles and buttons.
The Club will continue to monitor the advice of Clubs New Zealand and implement advice accordingly.
Events, Entertainment and Functions
The COVID-19 situation continues to evolve rapidly. Following advice from the Ministry of Health on 19 March 2020 it is recommended that non-essential, organised gatherings be limited to fewer than 100 people.
This includes events such as concerts, sporting fixtures with large crowds, exhibitions and religious celebrations.
While all New Zealanders are encouraged to exercise personal responsibility for social distancing, there are no current restrictions recommended on attending other settings, such as shopping centres, or using public transport.
For non-essential organised gatherings with fewer than 100 attendees, Ministry of Health recommends that organisers:
• remind attendees and staff not to attend if they are feeling unwell
• remind attendees and staff not to attend if they have travelled overseas in the past 14 days
• ensure emergency management practices are up to date
• brief staff on how to practice good hygiene and make it easy for staff and attendees to practice good hygiene
• have adequate hand washing facilities available
Ministry of Health also offers the following advice for attendees:
• stay home and do not attend if you are feeling unwell
• stay home and do not attend if you have travelled overseas in the past 14 days.
Should the advice from Ministry of Health change, the Club will update its policy accordingly.
While onsite at the Club, staff, members, guests and visitors are encouraged to practice good personal hygiene including:
• cleaning your hands regularly for at least 20 seconds with soap and water or use an alcohol-based hand sanitiser
• cover your nose and mouth when coughing and sneezing with a tissue or flexed elbow.
We encourage attendees of organised functions and events at the Club to liaise directly with those organisers, rather than the Club.
Ying’s @ the RSA
The Club and its catering contractors are taking our responsibility seriously and have implemented a number of temporary measures at the dining facilities which include:
• Removal of cutlery from all tables. Cutlery will be delivered with your meals.
• Introduction of single-use menus.
• Increased sanitation of all work and public spaces.
• Additional staff training.
• Increased use of gloves, including in the acceptance of deliveries.
• Removal of ‘help yourself’ sauce and cutlery stations.
Persons who do not cooperate with our advice in relation to COVID-19 will be asked to leave our premises.
We ask for your complete cooperation and understanding as we continue our commitment to offering a quality-based community hub for all people of our community to enjoy.
If you have any questions, please seek to liaise with our Club’s management.
Further updates may apply.
Whangamata RSA – Coronavirus/COVID-19
How to minimise the risk of getting sick!
The most important thing to do is practice good hygiene.
We encourage all Staff, Members, Guests and Visitors to practice good hygiene at all times.
This means:
• Single use glasses/handles – including water machine
• Cough or sneeze into your elbow or by covering your mouth and nose with tissues
• Put used tissues appropriately in a bin or a bag immediately
• Wash your hands with soap and water and drying them thoroughly, or using hand sanitiser:
• Before eating or handling food
• After using the toilet
• After coughing, sneezing, blowing your nose or wiping children’s noses
• After touching public surfaces
• Try to avoid close contact with people who are unwell
• Don’t touch your eyes, nose or mouth if your hands are not clean
• Avoid personal contact, such as kissing, sharing cups or food, handshaking/hugging
• Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces and objects, such as doorknobs
• Stay home if you feel unwell, or if you have been in contact with anyone who has recently returned from overseas
The measures above are especially important for people who have existing health conditions or compromised immune systems.
Call Health line on 0800 358 5453 if you have any symptoms and have been to any countries or territories of concern or have been in close contact with someone confirmed with COVID-19.